Hrynyschyn, R., Prediger, C., Lyk, P., Majgaard, G., Helmer, S. M. & Stock, C., 10. mar. 2023, I: Frontiers in Public Health. 11, 14 s., 1054015.
Guidelines for Playful Learning Design in VR/AR: Insights From Student Productions
Majgaard, G. & Lyk, P., 2023, Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2023. Spil, T., Bruinsma, G. & Collou, L. (red.). Academic Conferences and Publishing International, s. 371-380 (Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-based Learning, Bind 2023-October).
Bidragets oversatte titel: “Perceptioner af kønsrettelse og fremstilling i et virtuelt virkelighedsbaseret værktøj til forebyggelse af alkohol blandt LGBTQIA+ unge:: En kvalitativ interview undersøgelse og tematisk analysePrediger, C., Heinrichs, K., Tezcan-Güntekin, H., Stadler, G., Pilz González, L., Lyk, P. B., Majgaard, G. B. & Stock, C., 4. feb. 2023, I: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20, 4, 20 s., 2784.
Bidragets oversatte titel: Unges opfattelser af et virtuelt-realitet baseret værktøj til forebyggelse af alkoholbrug – en fokusgruppe undersøgelse af indhold, tekniske og kønsrelaterede aspekterHrynyschyn, R., Prediger, C., Lepan, L., Lyk, P. B., Majgaard, G. B., Helmer, S. M. & Stock, C., 28. sep. 2022, 13th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting.
Co-creating Virtual Reality Interventions for Alcohol Prevention: Living Lab vs. Co-design
Dietrich, T., Dalgaard Guldager, J., Lyk, P. B., Vallentin-Holbech, L., Rundle-Thiele, S., Majgaard, G. & Stock, C., 15. mar. 2021, I: Frontiers in Public Health. 9, 6 s., 634102.
Didactic Planning of VR Alcohol Resistance Training Tool for Adolescents
Lyk, P. B. & Majgaard, G., sep. 2021, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Game Based Learning ECGBL 2021. Fotaris, P. (red.). Academic Conferences and Publishing International, s. 834-843 (Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-based Learning).
Lyk, P. B., 26. nov. 2021, Syddansk Universitet. Det Tekniske Fakultet.
Co-creating a virtual alcohol prevention simulation with young people
Vallentin-Holbech, L., Guldager, J. D., Dietrich, T., Rundle-Thiele, S., Majgaard, G., Lyk, P. & Stock, C., 9. feb. 2020, I: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17, 3, 12 s., 1097.
Co-Designing and Learning in Virtual Reality: Development of Tool for Alcohol Resistance Training
Bidragets oversatte titel: Samdesign og læring i virtual reality: Udvikling af værktøj til træning af alkoholresistens Lyk, P. B., Majgaard, G., Vallentin-Holbech, L., Dalgaard Guldager, J., Dietrich, T., Rundle-Thiele, S. & Stock, C., 2020, I: Electronic Journal of e-Learning. 18, 3, s. 213-228
Lyk, P. B., Majgaard, G., Vallentin-Holbech, L., Guldager, J. D., Dietrich, T., Rundle-Thiele, S. & Stock, C., 2020, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Game Based Learning, ECGBL 2020: A Virtual Conference hosted by The University of Brighton, UK. Fotaris, P. (red.). Academic Conferences and Publishing International, s. 711-720 (Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-based Learning, Bind 2020September).
User Experiences with a Virtual Alcohol Prevention Simulation for Danish Adolescents
Bidragets oversatte titel: Brugeroplevelser med en Virtuel Alkoholforebyggelse Simulation for Danske Unge Dalgaard Guldager, J., Lavasani Kjær, S., Lyk, P. B., Dietrich, T., Rundle-Thiele, S., Majgaard, G. & Stock, C., 1. okt. 2020, I: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17, 19, 14 s., 6945.
Co-Designing an Immersive and Interactive Alcohol Resistance Training Tool Using 360-Degree Video
Lyk, P. B., Majgaard, G., Dietrich, T. & Stock, C., okt. 2019, Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Game Based Learning, ECGBL 2019. Elbaek, L., Majgaard, G., Valente, A. & Khalid, S. (red.). Academic Conferences and Publishing International, s. 450-458
Majgaard, G., Larsen, L. J., Lyk, P. B. & Lyk, M., 2017, I: International Journal of Designs for Learning. 8, 2, s. 95-109
At se det usete – Rumlig visualisering af solsystemet med fysiske prototyper og Augmented Reality
Majgaard, G., Larsen, L. J., Lyk, P. B. & Lyk, M., 2016, I: MONA – Matematik- og Naturfagsdidaktik. 2016, 3, s. 23-40
Majgaard, G. & Lyk, P. B., 2015, : Læring og Medier. 8, 14, 26 s.